Plants We Work With
We are very strict about the plants we work with! They must meet two criteria;
They must be species that would grow here naturally without human intervention (known as native and naturalised species). These species are of great value to wildlife (particularly bees, hoverflies, butterflies and birds) and also carry the additional benefit of requiring very little encouragement to grow; they don’t need fertilisers, pesticides or any fancy treatment to thrive. The plants we work with are mostly grown within our meadow though a small number are wild harvested locally.
They must have proven therapeutic properties. At Seilich we find plant chemistry fascinating and love working with the amazing compounds found within our native flora. The plants we work with all have proven beneficial properties e.g. they may be antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidant, or they may have wonderful moisturising or anti-aging properties.

Botanical name Ribes nigrum
Habitat Found in damp woodlands, hedgerows and streamsides.
Native status Naturalised (usually an escape from a garden)
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, mineral salts (including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper), phenolic acids, essential oil, tannins, enzymes and some amino acids. Blackcurrant leaves are thought hold cleansing, healing and anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antiseptic properties.
Products found in Meadow Face Mask, Meadow Face Oil, Natures Secret Moisturiser

Bog myrtle
Botanical name Myrica gale
Habitat A small shrub that forms dense thickets. It grows in bogs and moorland where moving groundwater is a constant feature
Native status Native
Origin Wild foraged from the Scottish highlands
Constituents and Properties Flavanoids and essential oil. Bog myrtle is antioxidant, astringent and antiseptic properties, an excellent anti-aging treatment as well as for soothing sensitive skin conditions and acne.
Products found in Natures Secret Serum, Natures Secret Moisturiser

Botanical name Calendula officinalis
Habitat An annual typically found near gardens, and on waste ground, transported by birds (its seeds are a component of some bird foods)
Native status Naturalised (this plant has been grown in the UK since AD 995 but wasn’t recorded in the wild until the 1880’s)
Origin Seilich meadow
Constituents and Properties Flavonoids, triterpene saponins, and carotenoids. Calendula is an excellent skin healer, collagen booster, promotes cell growth, increases blood flow, and hydrates the skin.
Products found in Meadow Face Oil, Meadow Face Mask

Botanical name Chamaemelum nobile
Habitat A herb found in grassland, especially in places where mowing, trampling or grazing discourages plant growth.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Essential oils, e.g. matricine, chamazulene and alpha-bisabolol, as well as flavonoids and coumarins. Chamomile is soothing and reduces irritation as well as being a powerful anti-inflammatory, reducing inflammation, minimizing redness and decreasing swelling.
Products found in Wild Carrot and Chamomile Cleansing Lotion, Wild Carrot and Sea buckthorn Moisturising Lotion, Meadow Face Mask, Peppermint and Chamomile Cleansing Gel, Chamomile Tea, Calming Blend Tea.

Botanical name Stellaria media
Habitat An annual (or a short-lived) perennial herb that grows in a wide range of habitats, especially in nutrient-enhanced conditions.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Vitamins A, D, B complex, C, mineral rich (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, sodium, copper, iron and silica), ascorbic-acid, beta-carotene, coumarins, genistein, gamma-linolenic-acid, flavonoids, oleic-acid, rutin, selenium, triterpenoid saponins, thiamine, rutin (a bioflavinoid). Chickweed is powerhouse of a plant and is known as an amazing skin rejuvenator as well as an excellent healer of damaged skin with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties.
Products found in Lip balm, Natures Secret Serum, Natures Secret Moisturiser, Nettle Toner, Gardeners Hand wash, Gardeners Hand Lotion

Botanical name Centaurea cyanus
Habitat Formerly occurred as an annual weed of arable habitats but today is largely only found in wild-flower seed mixtures.
Native status Naturalised (known to have been present in the UK during the Iron Age and for a long time was known as a weed of arable crops. Widespread use of herbicides reduced its occurrence however until the 1980’s when its numbers began to increase as a result of wild-flower seed mixtures).
Origin Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Sesquiterpene lactones (including cnicin), flavonoids, coumarins and acetylenes, polyphenols, anthocyanins. Cornflower has soothing anti-inflammatory properties and is a wonderful all round skin soother and skin conditioner. Its natural astringency tones and brightens the skin.
Products found in Meadow Face Mask, Reviving Blend Tea

Botanical name Bellis perennis
Habitat A perennial herb with flat topped white flower heads found in all kinds of grassland habitats.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Saponins, tannins, bitter compounds, resins, flavonoids, anthoxanine, vitamin C and essential oil, used to brighten and exfoliate as well as repairing damaged skin.
Products found in Face Oil, Lip balm, Gardeners Hand Lotion, Natures Secret Moisturiser

Botanical name Taraxacum agg.
Habitat A tap-rooted perennial herb that occurs in a very wide range of habitats.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Mineral rich (Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Selenium) vitamin rich (Vitamin C, B vitamins), Polyphenolic antioxidants, Carotenoids. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory (soothing irritated skin), anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, minimises dark spots, firms the skin.
Products found in Lip balm, Gardeners Hand Lotion, Natures Secret Moisturiser

Marsh mallow
Botanical name Althaea officinalis
Habitat A perennial herb of coastal habitats, growing on the banks of ditches containing water.
Native status Native
Origin Seilich meadow
Constituents and Properties Mucilage, pectin, flavonoids. Marshmallow has potent anti-inflammatory properties, coupled with healing, soothing and skin softening properties.
Products found in Wild Rose and Mallow Moisturiser

Botanical name Urtica dioica
Habitat A perennial herb that grows in woods, scrub, unmanaged grasslands, hedgerows, roadsides and waste ground. It prefers damp, nutrient-rich soils.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Flavonoids, chlorophylls, carotinoids, vitamins, mineral salts, beta-sitosterin, plant acids and amines in the stinging hairs (histamine). Nettle leaf extract benefits as a natural astringent, tightens and firms the skin, regulates natural sebum production, treats acne, accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns and helps with skin allergies.
Products found in Nettle toner, Gardeners hand wash, Gardeners hand lotion.

Botanical name Mentha x piperita
Habitat Found in damp grasslands and ditches.
Native status Naturalised (a natural hybrid of the native mint Mentha aquatica and the garden mint Mentha spicata)
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Essential oil, containing menthol as main constituent (up to 60 %), plus flavonoids, tannins, bitter principles. Peppermint is soothing and cooling as well as antiseptic and antibacterial.
Products found in Peppermint and Chamomile Cleansing Gel, Lip balm, Gardeners Hand Wash, Gardeners Hand Lotion, Peppermint Tea, Reviving Tea

Botanical name Plantago media and Plantago lanceolata
Habitat A perennial herb of open habitats; found in a wide range of habitats including meadows, grasslands, on rock ledges, sand dunes, on roadsides and river banks, and in cultivated and waste ground, or lawns.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties vitamins A and C, tannin, allatonin. This plant has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, is antiseptic and a wonderful healer of damaged skin. It is also a very soothing plant and encourages cell growth.
Products found in: Meadow Face Mask, Lip balm, Natures Secret Serum, Natures Secret Moisturiser, Nettle Toner, Gardeners Hand wash, Gardeners Hand Lotion

Red Clover
Botanical name Trifolium pratense
Habitat A perennial herb that grows throughout the UK in in a wide range of grassy habitats.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Mineral rich (calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine), vitamin C, flavonoids, phytoestrogens (isoflavones) including genistein, daidzein, biochanin A and formononetin, essential oils and tannins. Anti-inflammatory and reduces/slows signs of aging (stimulating the skin's natural collagen production system, increasing the skin’s thickness, and improving the skin’s moisture levels).
Products found in Meadow Face Mask, Meadow Face Oil, Lip balm, Gardeners Hand Lotion

Scots Pine
Botanical name Pinus sylvestris
Habitat Widespread in woodlands throughout Scotland, particularly in the Caledonian Pinewoods
Native status Native
Origin Scottish Highlands
Constituents and Properties Contains flavonoids, essential oils and monoterpene alcohols. It cleanses, tones, refreshes and balances the skin, is an excellent anti-inflammatory and has antiseptic properties.
Products found in Woodland Room Mist

Sea buckthorn
Botanical name Hippophae rhamnoides
Habitat A very thorny deciduous shrub of sand dunes and coastal banks.
Native status Native
Origin Coastal areas of East Lothian
Constituents and Properties Vitamin C, provitamin A, B complex vitamins, particularly vitamin B12, vitamin E, flavonoids, minerals, fruit acids, palmitoleic acid, sterols, essential fatty acids. Antioxidant rich, improves skin tone, reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
Products found in Wild Carrot and Sea buckthorn Moisturiser

Botanical name Prunella vulgaris
Habitat A patch-forming perennial herb of grasslands, growing in woodland clearings, meadows, pastures and lawns
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, organic acids such as linolenic acid, behenic acid, essential oil (camphor, caryophyllene, pinene). The plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone and brightening the skin.
Products found in Lip balm, Natures Secret Serum, Natures Secret Moisturiser, Nettle Toner, Gardeners Hand wash, Gardeners Hand Lotion

Wild Carrot
Botanical name Daucus carota subsp. carota
Habitat A herb with a cluster of white flowers surrounding a central pink flower, found growing in infertile soils and disturbed ground.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and properties Provitamin A (carotene), vitamin B1, B2 and C, flavonoids, essential oil. Wild Carrot is anti-aging and regenerating, anti-inflammatory and soothing, promotes the growth of healthy new skin cells and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
Products found in Wild Carrot and Sea buckthorn Moisturiser, Wild carrot and Chamomile Cleanser, Natures Secret Serum, Natures Secret Moisturiser

Wild Rose
Botanical name Rosa rugosa
Habitat A deciduous shrub found planted or as a garden escape in hedgerows, road verges, coastal areas and waste ground
Native status Naturalised
Origin Wild foraged from local hedgerows
Constituents and Properties Essential oil, tannin, lipids, wax and resin, flavonoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides. This plant has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
Products found in Wild Rose and Mallow Moisturiser, Meadow Face Oil, Meadow Face Mask
Botanical name Plantago media and Plantago lanceolata
Habitat A perennial herb of open habitats; found in a wide range of habitats including meadows, grasslands, on rock ledges, sand dunes, on roadsides and river banks, and in cultivated and waste ground, or lawns.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties vitamins A and C, tannin, allatonin. This plant has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, is antiseptic and a wonderful healer of damaged skin. It is also a very soothing plant and encourages cell growth.
Products found in Meadow Face Mask, Lip balm, Natures Secret Serum, Natures Secret Moisturiser, Nettle Toner, Gardeners Hand wash, Gardeners Hand Lotion

Botanical name Achillea millefolium
Habitat A perennial herb with flat topped white flower heads found in all kinds of grassland habitats.
Native status Native
Origin The Seilich Meadow
Constituents and Properties Achillein & achilleic acid, essential oil, azulene, camphor, minerals (potassium and calcium), resin, tannin, isovaleric acid, salicylic acid, sterols, flavonoids. Yarrow has antiseptic and astringent properties (fighting bacteria and tightening pores), is anti-inflammatory, will heal broken capillaries, restore pH levels and moisturise the skin as well as promote healing.
Products found in Lip balm, Natures Secret Serum, Natures Secret Moisturiser, Nettle Toner, Gardeners Hand wash, Gardeners Hand Lotion